Clearance Watchdog for C•CURE 9000
A service that will automatically remove unused clearances from Personnel records. This is also known as use-it-or-lose-it, applied to C•CURE 9000 Clearances.

Key features
Whether due to a wrong clearance request, human programming error, or having copied clearances from another personnel profile when in doubt, there are many causes that lead to a person obtaining a clearance they should not (or no longer) have. Monitoring unused clearances is a must to keep your access control system clean.
Threshold specification
Specify the applicable thresholds in number of unused days before removing a clearance assignment from a person. You can do this per Clearance/Personnel Type combination.
Example configuration:

The Clearance Watchdog is a Windows Service that will sync with the C•CURE 9000 database on a specified schedule. Keeping track of clearance usage on a personal level, it can easily detect clearances that are not used by an individual and have them removed from their profile.